한국 ITS 추계 학술대회
지하철 노선 신설에 따른 상업 젠트리피케이션에 관한 연구
: 인천도시철도 2호선을 중심으로(김건민)
Geonmin presented his work on the transit-induced commercial gentrification at the 2023 Korea Institute of ITS Fall Conference. In this work, he identified the factors causing business closures in the process of transit-induced commercial gentrification. His work won the outstanding poster award at the undergraduate session.
군중밀집사고 내 도미노 현상 모델링을 위한 사회역학모형 고도화(이예린)
This study use a modified social force model incorporating a domino effect to analyze microscopic pedestrian behaviors in high-density situations
보행 신호를 고려한 적응형 긴급차량 우선 교통 신호 시스템 구축 (홍슬빈)
This study proposes a system that can compensate for the disruption of traffic flow in other directions that occurs when the emergency vehicle priority signal system maintains a green signal for an emergency vehicle. After passing the emergency vehicle, the system estimates the queue in each direction of the intersection, calculates the weight of pedestrian signals based on pedestrian volume, and adjusts the signals by considering both this weight and the vehicle queue.
실시간 교통 정보를 고려한 C-ITS 기반 감응신호 제어 전략 : GLOSA 연구 (김도현)
순환 일관성 생성적 적대 신경망 기반 특수상황 도로 시설물 파손 데이터 불균형 해소 방안 (박지원)
This study proposes a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network(CycleGAN)-based road facility defect image generation and augmentation technique using road facility image data provided by the Korea Intelligence and Information Society Agency.
어린이보호구역 내 인접 교차로의 운영 방법에 따른 효율성 및 안전성 평가 (권진문)
날씨 변수를 고려한 서울시 공유자전거의 수요예측 비교 연구 (서문정)
In this study, we compared and analyzed models for predicting demand based on daily rental data of public bicycles provided by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. We aimed to identify the model with the most proficient predictive model by employing machine learning methodologies and comparing the results.
초소형 전기차 이동서비스 발전을 위한 사용자 만족도 조사에 관한 연구 (김민준)
This study analyzes the results of a satisfaction survey on micro EVs sharing program and determines the factors that affect micro EVs sharing program users' satisfaction